Saturday, May 27, 2006

Publish Your Short Story

The Minnesota Crime Wave, three excellent mystery writers, are taking submissions for their next anthology. See below:

"Following the success of its first publishing venture, Silence of the Loons, The Minnesota Crime Wave has announced a sequel to the criminous anthology. The new volume, to be titled Resort to Murder, is planned for release in late summer, 2007. The anthology will be published by Nodin Press of Minneapolis, known for its fine carefully designed books in many fields.

Eligible authors must have been professionally published in any genre and must be living in Minnesota. Stories must be set at a real Minnesota resort, although the actual name of the resort may not be used. Authors must tell the Crime Wave which Minnesota resort they intend to use as their setting to avoid duplications. All stories much contain at least one murder and will range from 1,000 to 7,500 words in length. Contracts and payment of $100 will be issued upon acceptance of each story.

Spokesbabe Ellen Hart said, 'This is a great opportunity for authors in other genres who want to try crime fiction.' 'We'll be looking for strong motivation, suspense and interesting characters,' commented William Kent Krueger. 'And don't forget pace and good description,' added Carl Brookins.

The crime wave trio, mystery authors all, has pledged their usual strong efforts to promote the anthology once it is released. The Minnesota CrimeWave has become known for its compelling costumed presentations to audiences at bookstores, libraries and other venues across the country. For more information, contact The Minnesota Crime Wave"

So, if you're a published Minnesotan, you should write a short story. Actually, I should write a short story because this sounds like it's right up my alley, but I have a thing about short stories. And poems. I can't write 'em. Maybe it's time to shake that off. Any plot kernels for me, Mr. B.? Holly? Anyone? A murder at a resort...cripes, I have writer's block.

Which means I'm going to Google myself, which is my favorite work avoidance activity, next to researching which movie stars have gotten plastic surgery. Check this out:

Lourey, Jess: May Day
Lourey, Jess: May Day,Conservative,Book Club,Reagan,Homeschool,Human Events,Eagle Publishing,Religion,Politics,Republican,History,Biographies,National ... - 15k -

Ha! That's irony. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things, doesn't belong...OK, I'm taking the kids to get some culture in Alexandria. Hope to see you there!


  1. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I suggest a crime at a rural MN wedding dance. I was just at one last week and it provides excellent material for classic MN behavior- all the great wedding dance songs, the drunken groomsmen, the crazy family member, complete with the dance hall being adjacent to a small cow pasture. No lie- a dozen or so cows werre staged outside of the Legion (not even 25 feet away)! Good god- I love Sobieski!


  2. Define "resort." Will a bed and breakfast do? The Douglas Lodge at Itasca State Park?

  3. The rural MN wedding dance. TOTALLY! Make it the guest whose husband refuses to dance with her because he's *embarrased.* And since this isn't the first time, she finally does him off by getting him drunk first and tossing him in the pig poop thing (officially called a "lagoon").

    Sorry, after this weekend it might be *real* life for me (aarrgh!) You could use that little motel in Brandon (it's adorable, very unassuming).

  4. Alas, Jess, I was not able to make it to Johnny. However, the gal that picked up the tickets (my sissy's cronie), was able to go and had a FANTASTIC time. I, unfortunately, got stuck in the in-law zone. Ugh.

    However, I think I may blog about Johnny anyway.

  5. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Polka. Must have polka. Every Minnesota wedding reception that I've been to at the VFW or lodge has had at least half a dozen polkas. The Beer Barrel Polka ALWAYS draws the largest crowd.

  6. And you mustn't forget The Limbo, The Macarena, The Chicken Dance, and any other group dance thing there is (I'll let you know Sunday what else there is- got a good ol' family drunk comin' up!). The BEST is when the drunk uncle, in his western shirt, cowboy boots, and Sunday Best belt buckle does The Limbo with a Miller Light or MGD in his left hand and a lit cigarette (Marlboro for tradition) does the Limbo and falls on his tushie in front of everyone. The smoke and beer are perfectly fine though!

  7. OK that just made no sense- sorry.
    "...lit cigarette (Marlboro for tradition) in his right hand and falls on his tushie in front of everyone. The smoke and beer are perfectly fine though!"
