Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Apologies for the Light Blogging

Phew. Is anybody else out there really busy this time of year? Tomorrow is the last day of the semester at Alex Tech, so I am busily reading and grading mountainous stacks of papers. For the most part, it is gratifying to see the learning that has taken place over the semester, and I have a good group of students who are at college for all the right reasons (beer!). Not beer. An education. But this is also the time of the semester when the "there are no stupid questions" line is shown to be the flaming ball of crap that it is. Phew.

Because today's blog is so lame, I am providing you a laughter surrogate. Watch out--it's sharp.

Tomorrow, I am the invited guest at an Alexandria book club. I'm excited! Wine, and ladies who have read May Day. Wait. Maybe that's scary. Will report.

In the meanwhile, what is the stupidest question you've ever been asked?

1 comment:

  1. When I worked at the service desk at K-Mart, people were constantly asking, "Do you know where the bathroom is?"

    No, lady, they never told me. Each day when I get here, they strap a colostomy bag to me and send me about my business.
