Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Stingray Kills Crocodile Hunter

A moment of silence as we mourn the passing of a crazy man. A stingray barb to the heart is how he would have wanted to go, but jeez. This is sad. I hate it when the conservatives are right. "Don't dangle your baby over a hungry crocodile, Steve." "Don't film a show called 'The Ten Most Painful Ways to Die Featuring Creatures God Intended Us Not to Swim With,' Steve." Sigh.


  1. My son said the headline should have read "Crocodile Hunter Finally Dies."

    A dark sense of humor, that one has.

  2. Ha! I love the kid. That's really funny. How old is he?

  3. Freshly 14. And starting high school today. *snif* My baby is almost as tall as me and his shoe size is bigger (which means he may tower over me at some point in the near future.)

  4. I'm with Jess. I like your kid, Rand. That's hilarious.

    I'd share our crude office humor of the event with you but it's kind of visual and aural.
