Monday, August 21, 2006

The Original Book Tour

Before I published May Day, when I thought of authors, I thought of people who had it made, writing away in their sun rooms, a cup of tea by their side, shielded from the world as they created literary art and cashed royalty checks.

I had it part right. I do often have tea while writing. Otherwise, the money for beginning authors is not great. I've heard that publishers are happy to sell 5,000 copies of a debut novel, and the author makes about 50 cents a copy. My experience supports that.

As for time, a lot of it is taken in promoting the book. With 100s of thousands of books out there, it takes a lot of leg work to separate yours from the pack. This involves book signings, media interviews, blogging, submitting shorter works to magazines and anthologies, and sending out review copies of your novel. I enjoy a lot of it, but it's not writing novels, which is what I love to do.

That's why I thought the following information was so interesting. It seems writers have NEVER been in their ivory tower, creating literary art, and that writing has always been a cutthroat business. Not as romantic as the vision most of us have of authors, but interesting nonetheless. (The information below was posted on a writing listserv, but I'm afraid I can't find the name of the original poster.):

"There has never been an ivory tower for writers. Dickens went on long book tours, reading extracts of his books to audiences. George Eliot, Thackeray and others also did public readings, and went to the various social events arranged by their publishers. Defoe, Swift and company contributed to magazines and satirical publications and also went to social gatherings, like the literary salons arranged by the likes of Elizabeth Montagu.

Childrens' writers contributed to comics and magazines, went to schools and libraries to do readings. Shakespeare appeared in his own plays. Marlowe worked for the government on the side, to make a few pennies. Or were the plays his sideline? The ones who did no promotion of any kind are as rare as hen's teeth. Chaucer worked for the Crown and no doubt pushed his books at his work colleagues and at Court. So I can't think of a time when writers haven't promoted. More's the pity. The ivory tower looks beautiful from here."

It's work, but it's great work. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you're right that there is a certain "way" that people view writers. It's similar to those that call themselves "art-eests" and it invokes a beatnick kind of vision with colorful scarves and thick-rimmed glasses sipping tea in a coffee shop such as found on Friends (ever wonder what those extras are doing there?).

    But the reality is that writing is hard work and requires so much more from a person than just being creative. 4-H came to my mind when you talked about the "cutthroat business." I'm not a competitive person by nature, so I'm always in awe of those who persever and do well in such areas.
