Monday, August 28, 2006

Don't Forget Your Angry Eyes

Cool Nancy Chick just sent me this article, which is provocative in an angrifying way. It's a rehash of the "don't get too smart, ladies, or you'll never land yourselves a man" argument. I imagine it's as insulting to intelligent men as it is to intelligent women, so I'm sharing it with you all. Don't forget your angry eyes.

On to happier (and possibly even scarier) items. I put my house up for sale last week. Next summer, I'm going to pack up my kids and cat and move us to Madison, Wisconsin, or St. Paul, Minnesota, where I will pursue an MFA and a full-time writing career (you don't need one to have the other, but I love writing, teaching, and being in school, so I'm going to smush all three into the next three years). Join me as I make magic or fall flat on my ass.


  1. NO! You can't leave the hallowed halls of ATC! I will most certainly be following your journey and recommending to anyone who will listen that they take up a class with you where ever you may land. You better get that wand in shape, I think it'll get lots of use in the not-so-distant future!

  2. I took the time to read the article. WOW. I had a tough time reading his view, but almost as tough a time reading hers. Unfortunately, it's not because I care about either one. It's because that article is me and my husband in a nutshell. He struggles with the devotion I give to outside work (I'm a legal assistant, 45 hours a week at least). He doesn't care about money, it's about time. I, however, finally got it together and married a guy who isn't lazy. But he is ambitious from 9 to 5 (literally). In the end, a marriage only works if two people want it to and are committed. Nothing else matters. (in my humble opinion)

  3. But how did you find the money to pursue every writer's dream? I'm always asking about money, because I am tactless.

  4. Thanks for being on my team, Chelty! And I think you're right that all relationships are hard work--you have to pick someone you're willing to work hard with.

    Yeh, Surly Cheshire, the chick's response lacked any sort of gusto and was as bad in its own ignorant (um, hire a maid?) as his.

    Julia, you need to know I LOVE tacky questions, particularly those about money. My plan is to be really, really broke for the next three years. If I teach at whatever school I'm going to, I get health insurance, free tuition, and $12,000 a year. If I don't buy a home and instead rent, I can use the equity in my current home to make sure we don't starve, but I am definitely going to have to give a lot up. I'm actually looking forward to a more ascetic lifestyle (don't remind me I said that next year when the gray is showing in my hair because I can't afford to dye it).

  5. Move to Madison so I have somewhere to crash for free when I go there for my periodic pilgrimages. (In fact, if you could arrange to be there by this October so I can go to the Wisconsin Book Festival, that would be keen.)

  6. Hey, Jess et al.

    Some of us blogged a bunch about that article the other day. HoneyBunney posted it, with her commentary, and many others replied.

    I think that article got emailed around a lot.

    Best of luck with your plans for next year!

  7. Jess, that is very Buddhist of you, and I think the free tuition alone makes it worth it--not to mention that it will be an adventure, and a lot of us can't summon up the courage to go on those.

    But what if I come to visit you in Minnesota and you're not there? Should I just wait? :)

  8. PS I notice that our publicist Brian Farrey has commented on your blog but not mine. Hmm.

  9. Thanks for the link, Lex Ham. It got me all riled up all over again. If I had posted, I would have said exactly what you said (though not as well), so thank you.

    Julia, I'm afraid I made Brian sell his soul to me earlier this August. He posts to my blog not out of choice but out of searing duty.
