Saturday, January 14, 2006

My Ode to Writer's Block

I've set aside time to write,
but all of a sudden I'd rather clean the bathroom.
What if all of my words come out trite?
It could be true. Hmmm.

It rhymes. It's a street haiku. Or a limerick. Actually, it appears to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. By the by, I've received some positive feedback on the May Day thong. My wise and perky friend Cindy said that every woman would love to have the words "may day" on her underwear because it pretty much sums up the day. Suddenly, I have that fantastic Men at Work song "Down Under" in my head. It's the May Day thong theme song. Can you hear it? Let me help you:

Down Under

Have a great day. And write on. Use the famous words of Ernest Hemingway to inspire you: "The first draft of anything is shit." Actually, I don't think E's final drafts were any great shakes, but To Have and Have Not is outselling the as yet unpublished May Day 300 to 1, so what do I know?

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