Tuesday, May 13, 2014

One Step

Today, I was talking (whining) to my friend Cindy about taking a year off from teaching to write. What if, I asked, I'm still not a successful writer a year from now? That would make me a double failure, and it'd be a year wasted.

Cindy is the source of one of my favorite quotes: "Be vulnerable in the act of creation, not the outcome." In other words, control what you can and let the rest go. She didn't disappoint this time, either. She shared with me her One Step plan. Here's how it looks:
  1. Pick a major life goal. For me, it's to become a full-time, New York Times bestselling author and a creative writing workshop leader. For you, it might be traveling the globe, or eating healthier, or to stop controlling people (shit--I want those, too.)
  2. Complete one step a day toward achieving that goal. This could take you five minutes (clean out a shelf in your office to make space for an idea box, stand up and take a short walk, write an unexpected thank you card to someone) or five hours (read a book on the craft you want to learn, update your resume, sign up for a class).
That's it. Take One Step toward your goal every day for the next 365 days. At the end of the year, there's no way you're a failure. You're either there, or closer, but definitely wiser.

Also, try to laugh more and maybe drink wine with clever people. (I added those. See how I have to control things?)


  1. So wonderful! Here's to one step! And I second the wine. :)

  2. Very inspiring. I am suffering a mid-list crisis, trying to figure out what my big goal is. I will take this blog as a sign it's time to figure that out.

    1. I'll support you in that endeavor. Your talent deserves a wider audience, lady.

    2. Thanks for that. I've decided to find the time to write 2000 words a day. I can quite manage the full time writing thing but I am sending many good thoughts toward you and someday I hope to join you on the other side.

    3. That would kick ASS if you wrote 2000 words a day! I'm gonna make that my goal, as well, except when I'm the researching or outlining phase. Maybe we should start a Word Sisters group? Or we could combine the two and substitute writing for exercise? Wait, we're already doing that.

  3. Failure is not trying. Failure is not choosing happiness. Failure is doing the expected thing because it's expected. So how could you possibly be a failure even once?

  4. See, now Cindy has inspired me, too. So did your Anne Lamott quote on FB today. I need to find my Bird by Bird copy and read it again.

    1. Bird by Bird is awesome, as is your headshot. Hello, pretty stewardess.

  5. Oof- I was so close and then the wine thing. I'll look back on my life and think of all the things I could have achieved if only I'd been a drinker. But seriously, thank you for flagging the idea of shifting form stamping out fires to sculpting the future.

  6. Well said, Catriona McPherson! Watch out, or I'll be quoting YOU soon.
