Sunday, February 12, 2006

Favorite Authors and Fun Contests

Hello, one and all! I am happy to report that I am back in the day. I spent last week Thursday thinking it was tomorrow (Monday) and Friday thinking it was Tuesday (this coming Tuesday, not last Tuesday). Surprisingly little damage was done except that I harassed my brilliant web designer, Jed Johnson, for not getting the new librarian contest added to my website, which he had said he'd get to over the the weekend. Thinking the weekend had come and gone, I applied a little pressure. Pretty sure I'm in the honeymoon stage of crazy.

Actually, I think I'm just overscheduling the heck out of myself. I have a tendency to do that anyhow, but with this burgeoning writing career, I'm taking it too far. How many of you writers out there didn't know that writing is only a teeny tiny small part of being a published writer? The level of marketing required is awesome, in a "Oh my god is that a spaceship from an attacking planet blocking out the sun?" kind of way. Even with a savvy and efficient Mr. B. on my team, I still find myself constantly wondering what else I should do--blog more? Send out more review copies of May Day? Which conferences can I afford to go to? How many listservs can I join? I'm going to get all J.D. Salinger pretty soon. If anyone out there has recommendations on time management or realisitic new author marketing, I'll take 'em.

In the meanwhile, I have two happy additions to announce to my blog/website:

1. A librarian's contest. You'll find the link on my home page, but only click it if you're a librarian. Like all authors, I love the library and by natural extension, love librarians. That's one of the reasons Mira James, the protagonist in May Day, finds herself taking over the reins of the Battle Lake Public Library, as grossly underskilled as she is for the position. I wanted to spend more time in a library, and if I had to create a fictional one to do it, so be it. Back to the contest--all librarians who fill out the form will be automatically entered in the drawing to receive one free, signed copy of May Day for their library. I'll hold one drawing a month for the next six months. It's my small way of saying thank you to all the librarians and libraries who make books, the great equalizers, available to everyone.
2. A reader's contest. The first ten readers of this blog who post a comment and talk about their favorite mystery novels/authors will receive an official Murder by Month magnetic calendar sent, free of charge, to their home. Make sure to leave your email address so I can get your snail mail address to send this spectacular prize to! Everyone is invited to post, even Anastasia Beaverhausen.

Let me get the talk of favorite novels/authors started. Those of you who read my blog know I'm a fan of Krueger, Evanovich, Hiaasen, and Grafton, but I'd like to add Ellen Hart to that list. I just started reading Immaculate Midnight, the eighth (I think?) in her Jane Lawless series, and I'm happy to say I'm addicted. Her character development is fabulous, she has these great insights about human nature ("Humans are a soft fruit," is my favorite line so far), and her pacing is very strong. I'm trying to draw the book out because I know it's one of those that I'll be disappointed is done. Ever do that? Feel sort of like you're breaking up with someone when a really good book you're reading is over? Or is it just sad, pitiful, me...

Oh, and on a related note.... I'm the official Valentine's Day Grinch. I encourage one and all to not give in to the heterosexist consumerism of the holiday and instead, tell your friends and colleagues that you appreciate them. Watch for me to do a 180 on that attitude if and when I get a boyfriend again, but in the meantime, bah humbug on Valentine's Day. Blah. Grumble. Fist shaking. Who would be the un-cupid? Hmmm. How about a self-scratching, toe skin-eating, inappropriate joke-making, naked lady air freshener-having, red meat-savoring car salesman named Dean. That's me on Valentine's Day. I'm Dean. Happy Dean's Day.

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