Friday, February 03, 2006

Airport Whore

I am in Chicago! The flight was quick and easy, despite the twitch in the guy next to me. It was like he was playing air piano to no music. Everyone in Chicago is as nice as I remember, from the shuttle guy to the train guy to the hotel lady. I have not yet seen any famous authors at the hotel, but I have my eyes peeled. You can pick authors out of the crowd because they walk around with sort of a vague smile. Anyhow, my friend Christine and I made it Second City Comedy Club last night, and the show was OK but the drinks were fabulous. I had a grasshopper. Remember those? Your grandparents would make them when they had to babysit you and tell you they were mint ice cream so drink up.

We had to take the L back to O'Hare to get our free shuttle back from Second City, and at the nearly empty airport, an old guy in a suit walked by Christine and me and said, "Need a hotel room?" and kept walking. Christine turned to me and said, "Oh! He must think we don't have a place to stay tonight and is offering us his room." To which I said, "Those are big dreams for an airport whore."

Did you have to be there? We were trying to look pretty and instead, apparently, looked like we accept credit cards, money orders, and cash. Anyhow, Mr. B. sent a great poster for my book signing on Saturday, my first, where I will be in the same room as William Kent Krueger and Judith Guest, among other luminaries! Check back here for really brief updates as the hotel computers are .69 a minute.


p.s. I dropped a copy of May Day off at Alibi Books in Glenview, and the owner was supportive, wise (she likes William Kent Krueger!), and very nice. It's a great bookstore, so I recommend checking it out when you're in the area. They have a great kid's book selection in addition to the mysteries, so it's a fun family stop.

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