Monday, September 29, 2014

The Juiciest Rejections

Last May, I took a one-year, unpaid leave of absence from my teaching job to write full-time. This was a big leap for me. I've worked one job since I was fourteen, at least two jobs at a time since I was 18. I based a lot of my identity on being a college professor, and honestly, if I hadn't been working for such a soul-sucking administration, I might not have had the courage to leave that place even though I knew I was supposed to be writing. This unpaid leave required refinancing my house, cutting spending drastically, and moving at a slower pace. Going into it, I was scared. I'm the single mom of two kids, and I've grown accustomed to food.

Plus, what if I failed?

And it's funny, because I just did. Big-time. You see, a lot of this leave of absence was predicated on the hope that The Catalain Book of Secrets would be picked up. It wasn't that I was confident so much as that was how the dream was supposed to go: you take the leap, the net appears. Only a fool would jump otherwise.

But no net appeared, at least not one that looked like I expected it to. The book was turned down (see below for the most awesome of the rejections). As a result, I'm going to self-publish. Even more exciting (if that word means "terrifying in a naked, vulnerable sort of way"), I'm going live with a Kickstarter campaign that would allow me to professionally publish and market the book. Look for the campaign to launch tomorrow, October 1, and the book to hit shelves January 1, 2015.

And who knows how that will turn out?

(I do. It turns out well. Really, really well. Because four months into this experiment on following my passion, I'm finding out that it's not about selling the book, or reaching some pinnacle of writing, though I am aiming directly for both of those. It's about cultivating the sort of peace that you can only find when following your dreams. It's about not having to choose between writing and helping my kids with homework. It's about waking up every morning thinking, "I am never going to regret how I spend this day. Never.")

Thanks for listening.


“Thank you so much for sending THE CATALAIN BOOK OF SECRETS by Jessica Lourey my way…I spent a long time thinking about this one. What struck me was how well Lourey handles the hallmarks of magical realism, from when we first see Ursula mixing a potion to when Jasmine admits to taking anti-depressants, to keep the family, the memories, and the magic at bay. I was surprised to see this was a first venture into magical realism, as I felt these instances beautifully heightened the tangle of these women’s feelings--I understood how their relationship and attitudes towards magic reflects their greatest hopes and fears. Unfortunately…”   
--Simon & Schuster editor, 5/19/14

“…I just want to reiterate that I think Jess is a wonderful writer, and I love the voice of this book and the family of strong, lovely, vibrant women she has created in the Catalains. Everyone here was in total agreement on that, and we came very close to making an offer. But (and I hate that there is a but)…”
--Random House editor, 7/14/14

“Thanks so much for sending me Jessie’s revised work.  I think she did a terrific job and the changes she’s made have absolutely improved her book. However, despite her great work, I just wasn’t able to get full support for this.  (Almost every person who read this really loved it—but it wasn’t quite unanimous.) I am sorry that we weren’t able to come together on this.  I really enjoyed Jessie’s work.  I’m quite sure you’ll sell this elsewhere—I’d love to hear where it goes.”
--Penguin editor, 8/8/2014


  1. What lovely worded 'no' responses. They almost feel like they aren't rejections but ....

  2. This is eye-opening. Thanks for sharing. You are an inspiration, for following your dreams, and for not giving up on the net.

  3. Those were lovely rejections. Complimentary and not a complete dismissal. I'm wondering if they just couldn't find a spot in their stables at this time. Good for you for going forward with the self publishing

  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Jess, I am excited about learning more about the Kickstarter program you'll be sharing with us. I wish you the best and may all of your dreams come true!~Dina S.

  5. Sharon Fiffer here, Jess. We shared a table at a Bouchercon library breakfast--but I know you better as a facebook acquaintance. I've admired from a distance what you're doing--I applaud your year of writing dangerously. These rejections show the heartbreaking state of publishing. Even editors who love your work can't convince, can't commit unless a book is a guaranteed bestseller or celebrity driven. There are exceptions but they are few and far between. My husband and I are both writers, both working on projects, but have had to take on extra teaching and freelance this year because advances are small and not close to a living wage. Writing has truly become a labor of faith hope and love. And you exhibit all. I've been reading your posts and finally just had to say congratulations. Kickstarter is a wonderful community of artists and entrepreneurs. I support projects there when I can--even $10 adds up if enough people come forth. And people do and will come forth. Best of luck!

  6. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I am in on the Kickstarter for sure!!! Love everything that comes out of your creative mind! Good luck!!!

  7. It's a big "but," right, Aimee? :) Cathy, I'm a chicken in real life. It's just that the stress of not following my dreams became impossible to ignore. Steph, it's very possible. The book doesn't fit into any neat market. And thank you all three for your support! I honestly couldn't do this if I was met with silence.

  8. Thank you, Dina! I'm hoping to launch it tomorrow afternoon, and will definitely post to Facebook and Twitter. Just waiting for a final approval to come through, and it's good to go. Sharon, I hope hope hope you're right. Thank you for your lovely words. Beth, you are an early adopter--I have loved your support from very early in my career. Thank you!

  9. I'm so excited for you! If you're up for a Q&A on my blog sometime, LMK. :)

  10. August!!! I would love that. Let me know when works best for you. We can talk Minnesota.

  11. Girl, I got your back. Just let me know when to donate. Your story must be read.

  12. The Juiciest Rejections ... I think I saw them open for the Violent Femmes in 1986.

    Those rejections remind me of my turn-downs for formal-banquet dates in high school (I went to a Seventh-day Adventist boarding school; we didn't have dances or proms): "Jim, you're really a very sweet guy and funny and maybe even kind of a little bit cute, or at least I think maybe you might be possibly maybe will once you get those headgear braces taken off and I think you're awesome and I think just about any girl would be lucky to be on your arm, but ...."

    Yes, that was thirty-three years ago.

    Yes, I'm still in pain.

    And yes, I will contribute to your Kickstarter.

  13. Dru, you are the queen! Jim, they don't know what they missed out on.


    Thanks to you both!

  14. "I'm finding out that it's not about selling the book, or reaching some pinnacle of writing..... It's about cultivating the sort of peace that you can only find when following your dreams..... It's about waking up every morning thinking, "I am never going to regret how I spend this day. Never."

    Right there - that's the key. Best seller lists are nice (written by the guy who hasn't yet approached one) but in the end, it's all about "no regrets". Don't look back and keep moving forward, Jess.

