The winner of the May
May Day Librarian Contest is....the Adult Services Librarian at the Westborough Public Library in Westborough, Massachussetts! Because s/he was the May winner, s/he gets the special added treats--a Nut Goodie, a magnet, a pen, and a May Day canvas bag to carry books and such in. Oh, and the WPL gets a free copy of
May Day.
In more good news, I've been invited to speak to two Battle Lake book clubs on September 12th and the St. Cloud Barnes & Noble mystery club on September 26. Yay! Speaking of Battle Lake, I'm going there on Saturday to do some research, so let me know if you need anything.
In the latest literary news,
Product Placement Makes the Leap from Films to Books. Whaddya say, Mr. B.?

Can we get me on the
Nut Goodie website? If that's not a lucrative tie-in, I don't know what is. At the very least,
May Day should be on the
Battle Lake website, underneath the soothing banner, "Battle Lake--Easy to Get to, Hard to Leave...if you're dead! Enjoy the latest Battle Lake mystery from author Jess Lourey, available online and at your local bookstore." Good stuff.
I always buy a Nut Goodie when I go to Menard's! Mmmm. And I wave to the plant on West 7th in St. Paul when I drive to the airport.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever done a book signing at Micawber's in St. Paul? I don't even think they have a web site. It's a tiny independent at the intersection of Como Avenue and Carter in the St. Anthony Park neighborhood of St. Paul (near St. Paul campus of U of M). I know they have featured mystery writers before. The Rake magazine website appears to post their event schedule.
Hmmm, Jess, I think anonymous has a story. But I doubt you'll tell on the www! Nut Goodies are amazing. They have lasted throughout the ages and are the one confection that my aunts and I enjoy with the "little kids." What an amazing creation!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your book events- have fun!!
You have a new picture, Lex Ham Rand! And you look so dapper. Thanks for the Micawber's suggestion--I love independent bookstores. I'll run it past Mr. B. Mr. B.?
ReplyDeleteMicawber's didn't get back to me. But you're welcome to try them again.
ReplyDeleteMay Day, BTW, has been in the hands of Larry Hassler, CEO of the Pearson Candy Company, for several weeks now. And, no, I'm not kidding.
How many ways do you rock, publicist-man? You're really smart, as is everyone who has thought of my ideas before I have.
ReplyDeleteI bought a copy of May Day at the Midway Borders (just blocks from the Lex Ham homestead) today and it is signed by the author!
ReplyDeleteChalk up one sale to the power of Blogger - I found out about May Day through the links to "May Day" (the blog) on Voix de Michele, and was compelled to buy a copy when I discovered that Brian was your publicist.
Now I just have to explain to my family why daddy is reading a chick-lit serial mystery! I don't have any Nut Goodies to nibble whilst eating, though. Need to take a trip to Menards!
I meant to say "nibble whilst reading." Dinner is on the stove and clearly my mind is on supper.
ReplyDeleteYay for Lex Ham Rand! Now, if I could just get you go post a picture of yourself READING May Day, with a Nut Goodie perched on your guitar (because you're clearly a multi-tasker), then I'd know the insidious internet had done its job. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd don't be fooled by the cover...or, um, the marketing campaign. It's not chick lit. It's just a mystery. With chicks. And guys. Who die.
Hope you like it!