Monday, September 18, 2006

Clooney Lectures United Nations

I'd like to quote my good friend Holly when it comes to this article:

"Really. Really?? Really. Now Hollywood stars are lecturing the decision and policymaking bodies of the world. That's hot."

'Nuff said.

OK, you know how the tagline for May Day was:

New job. Small town. Dead boyfriend. Ever have one of those months?

You don't? Well it was. Anyhow, now I need a tagline for June Bug. Mr. B. is recommending, "It says 'Last Resort' on my ass for a reason" (you might need to get a magnifying glass on her butt). Inarguably catchy, no? Any other suggestions? Seriously. I want to get some mood pens made up, and I need a tagline. Here's a summary that might be helpful:

In June Bug, the second book in the Murder by Month series, Mira dives into a secret nearly a century old. In the late 1920s, a diamond necklace lost in a nearby lake prompts the wealthy owners of an island to fire their staff and sell the property. This intrigue resurfaces when a Minneapolis newspaper creates a contest to find the necklace. The quirky characters from the first novel return as Mira contends with a traveling theater troupe, competitive resorts willing to do anything to attract business, a town eager to find the necklace, and long-buried rivalries.

And here's a link to Chapter 1. If I use your tagline on the pens, I'll send ya one! A pen! A whole pen! And maybe a Nut Goodie bar.

p.s. Last night I dreamt I was Britney Spears' nanny. I kid you not. I don't know what karma debt that was, but I can tell you I took good care of those little boys and only fed them organic food (only it was organic liver in my dream). Brit and Kevin Can'tStopSpreadingYourSeederline were making out a lot in the background. What is the meaning of this?


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    tagline idea:

    Friends don't let friends eat hotdish and dive.

  2. Anonymous12:01 PM

    another idea:

    Jewels to dive for.

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    how about:

    Kiss my Last Resort.

  4. I once said in another person's blog that there is nothing purely creative. That everyone gets their inspiration from something or in some way. I'm anxious to read your book- it sounds like Titanic at a much more realistic level.

    Kev & Brit- Perhaps their kids had the same dream you did and you were all actually 'orbed' into each other's lives. You could send Brit a copy of your book and see if she talks about it in People?

  5. Ha! Those are all great. I love the play on "dive," but my favorite is "jewels to dive for."

    Can someone get me Britney Spears' address? I think Chelty has a fantabulous idea.

  6. I like "Kiss my Last Resort" a lot but it only works with a picture of the cover.

    "Jewels to dive for" is great but I'd suggest tweaking it to "A mystery to dive for." Again, though, I think it relies on the visual.

    Getting a big impatient, are we? I don't even have the flippin' galleys yet.

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