"What 1968 movie was the first to star a computer?"
Holly and Mr. B., I know you know it, so you can't answer. And neither can anyone else whom I know or knows me. But if you are a stranger to me, you can answer that question on my blog for a chance to win a Nut Goodie. I'll send it to you. I'm serious. And, if you live close to Alexandria, Minnesota, and answer that question in my blog before Friday, I'll send you the two tickets to the Johnny Holmes concert that I won on the radio. Again, serious. Oh, and I just tried to find you a link to Johnny Holmes, for those of you who aren't from Minnesota and don't know of this perennial, ageless tourer and creator to the soundtrack of many a Minnesotan gal's first kiss/introduction to beer in a plastic glass (why do those two always go together?), but apparently he shares a name with a famous porn star so I've given up. OH wait, I've found an excellent link that gives you a little snapshot of Johnny Holmes' target audience. Is it legal to use Thoreau to justify not calling your makeover/gossip/bridesmaid friends?
I also won two KFC bowls along with the Johnny Holmes tickets, but I'm keepi

Does anyone remember Clucky the Chicken from Saturday Night Live ("They're gonna kill me and fry me up! I love it!")? KFC's social responsibility commitment reminds me of that. Yum! I love a good commitment to animal welfare, with a side of jojos, please.
OK, that's about it, except I took that online IQ test (to make sure I still got it), and here's what I know:
"Congratulations, Jessica!Your IQ score is 127
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. "
That's a 127, Mr. B. The gauntlet has been thrown down (and thank you for the cyber cake).
You rock, Jenn!!!!! Email me (jesslourey@yahoo.com) your snail mail address, and your Nut Goodie is on the way. And please tell me you'll take these Johnny Holm tickets off my hands...if you say nay, anyone else want them?
ReplyDelete(thanks for the link, by the way)
Because I am a gracious loser, I am announcing (in this out of the way place) that Mr. B.'s IQ is 144, which is 13? 14? points higher than mine. On the surface, this might make it look like he beat me, but the truth is, you get over 130 and you become a useless philosophy major, forever trying to find meaning in offhand comments, the order of the songs that come on the radio, and the driver's license number you were assigned. Better to be smart, but not so smart that you're a social outcast. That's me. Just smart enough.
ReplyDeleteToo funny! My dear husband wants so badly to try the chicken lickin' bowl, but when we actually go, he can't bring himself to do it! I, on the other, hand, cannot bear the thought of my potatoes and corn touching, much less mixed together. Ookie.
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of myself- after this week I can definitely use the encouragement of a good IQ score! Granted, I always knew I was "unusual"!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Michelle!
Your IQ score is 126
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is
Inventive Inquisitor. You have the unusual distinction of being equally good at math and verbal skills. This means you are a creative thinker and are uniquely good at teaching others through experiences. You are also a great improviser and very good at handling change.