Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I've Been Blog-Tagged

I've been blog-tagged by Sara Rosett, author of the Mom Zone series from Kensington Books. That means I need to answer her favorites in fours questions, and then tag four more people. Why does this feel like the new chain letter? I can do it, though, because it beats writing a novel right about now.

4 movies you would watch over and over:
4 places you have lived:
4 TV shows you love to watch:

4 places you have been on vacation:

4 of your favorite foods:

  • Popcorn
  • Ice Cream
  • Bagels
  • Dark chocolate with nuts

4 Websites you visit daily:

4 places you would rather be right now:

I believe in always making the best of whatever place, person, or moment in time I am so I'd like to just say I'm happy right now where I...screw it:

Tag 4 People you think will respond:


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Regarding the large check and 3 book deal, if you had only gone with the May Day thong instead of t-shirt....


  2. Did you NOT read my e-mail? Homey don't play that.

  3. It's amazing how those little decisions can decide our life's paths--to thong, or not to thong...

    And Brian, aren't you the pimp who taught me never to say "no" to networking!?!? Blog tag, baby, all the kids are doing it.

  4. Decisions, decisions. Tho I love the combination of Sex and the City and Little House on the Prairie...

  5. Anonymous8:16 PM

    See Jess-

    Yet another vote for the May Day thong! Perhaps a promo for another month?

